Saturday, November 30, 2013

Stomach flu

DISCLAIMER: this post is ALL about throw up! If you are going to get sick by reading all about our crazy illness then please, DON'T READ.

When I got back from my trip to Utah, everybody kept telling me about this nasty stomach flu that they were getting over and how it was so awful. I unintentionally stayed away from everybody the first week I was home. I was just busy with the girls, Haylee had to be picked up from school early a couple days and we didn't spend anytime socializing. Bret was out on location and when that happens we just mostly stay inside. Friday when we ventured outside I was talking to one of the girls about how hard it was when her family had the flu. In my head I was thinking "Oh I'm so glad we didn't get that, I hate throwing up and I'm so glad I didn't have to deal with it..." that very evening it started! Haylee started throwing up, not just any throw up, it was the most violent, relentless throw up I've ever seen. Of course she ran out of stuff to throw up after the second time. It was painful to watch. Every ten minutes. For three hours. Then it suddenly went to every half hour... for the next three hours. We were trying to sleep but she would start choking and all I could do was roll her over and keep her head in the bucket. I felt so bad. It was awful. Finally at 5 Saturday morning she was done. We both fell asleep. Saturday we just stayed in bed all day watching tv. Sunday morning I was holding Maycie when she threw up for the first time. It went all over the wall behind me, all over my back then Maycie leaned back in my arms and continued throwing up. It went all over the front of me. She threw up all day Sunday. All day. Not once did she make it in the bucket. I scrubbed the walls, the couch, the floor (several times), washed all my bedding-twice.

This is where Maycie would lay while I was making the bed.

It was such a long day but by bedtime she seemed to be done throwing up. I was so excited to get a good nights sleep. I crawled into bed, exhausted. The longer I laid there the more my stomach rumbled. I kept getting up thinking I would throw up but didn't. No sleep that night either because early Monday morning Haylee started throwing up again. Ugh. Nobody said anything about there being 2 rounds of this awful flu! I was ready to cry. Bret was still working out on location and wouldn't be home for another day. Monday evening I started throwing up and it went all through the night and all day Tuesday. I had absolutely no control of my throw up. It was the worst day. My sweet friend picked us up some sprite and saltines Tuesday afternoon, which helped a ton. I slept the entire day. I really don't know what the girls did that whole day. I assume they stayed in my bed watching tv because that's where they were every time I woke up to throw up. Haylee was adorable, she would hold my hair and rub my back when I was throwing up. During one of my throw ups she said "Even though you're sick, you're still the best mom ever" She was taking such good care of me. When I would crawl into bed, Maycie would put a pillow on her lap and have me lay down on the pillow and she would pat my head until I fell asleep. Finally, Wednesday morning Haylee woke up at 6 and said she wanted to go to school. I felt ok enough to get up and get her ready and off to school. Then Mace said she wanted to go to school also. After I had dropped her off at school  I went home and just collapsed on the couch. After a nice long nap I woke up feeling almost human again. I figured we were done with the stomach flu and things would get back to normal. That was until Bret came home Wednesday night and started throwing up. I felt so bad for him. Us girls could just stay in bed but he had to get up and go to work. Awful! What a way to spend our Thanksgiving holiday! Plus Haylee has only been to school 3 days in the last two weeks! She had bronchitis, strep throat and the stomach flu all in one week. Hopefully we're all done getting sick for the next year! Hopefully!

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