Oh I took a much needed vacation last week! I have never taken a trip on my own since Bret and I got married. Its always been me and Bret or me and the girls but never one with just me. I haven't even been away from the girls for more than a night or two after having Maycie or having surgery. I have been wanting to take a little trip with Bret for years now but the busier we get with life and the farther away we get from family the more I came to realize that until our girls are old enough to be left alone over night I wouldn't be getting that trip. It was really hard to talk about because I know Bret and I need time together away from the girls. I also knew it was not the right time. I know it will happen someday and that is why I jumped at the first chance I got to go to Salt Lake. Bret and I were talking one day and I told him, like I have many times, that I just needed a break. I wanted time to relax. He laughed and said I should drive to Salt Lake, take the girls and spend a week with family. I simply said that wasn't funny and I wasn't driving by myself but I would go by myself. I'm pretty sure he didn't think that I would actually leave because he smiled and said ok then, for your birthday. I held him to those words and immediately started looking at tickets to fly down for my birthday. A couple days later I told him I bought my tickets and he was beyond shocked. It just so happen to work out that he had the week of my birthday off so I didn't have to worry about what to do with the girls. From the second I bought my tickets I decided I would make it a surprise. My best friend Sandi knew because we were wishfully planning a trip to St George for my birthday before I even bought my tickets. I told my sister in law Jessica and she acted as my insider to the family.
The first time I talked to Haylee about me leaving I thought she would be so excited but she just cried and cried. I felt so bad for her. Her crying was the saddest thing I've heard. Even with Bret telling her about all the fun things they would do while I was gone she was not going to calm down. I decided to give it a week or two then try talking to her about it again. It didn't help. She cried even harder this time. I've really never heard or seen her cry like this. It was so hard! With her reactions I decided it was probably best to not even tell Maycie.
As the time got closer I could feel myself going crazy inside. I had been planning it for months and wanted it to be a surprise but at times it was hard not to tell people! I really started avoiding my parents phone calls the whole week before. I didn't want to talk to anybody really because I was so excited I was nervous about spilling the beans.
Finally, Monday, departure day arrived! I packed my bags, cleaned the house and by 10:00 we were off to the airport.

We have a really small airport here in Williston. I've heard horror stories of getting flights out of here (coming here also!) but I figured since the sky was clear and blue I wouldn't have a problem. That being said, I haven't had the best of luck when it comes to flying. I have many stories that even a well seasoned traveler couldn't claim as their own. I wasn't entirely shocked when they told me my flight had been cancelled, but I was upset. I had a rush of every emotion. In my head I saw all the plans I'd made for the week going down the drain. All I wanted was to get to Salt Lake... especially for orange chicken that my dad was making for dinner that very night! When the lady behind the counter told me they were able to switch my flight but I'd be leaving from Minot instead I was cautiously excited. I knew Minot had a slightly better reputation for planes being on time but I've also heard about all the cancellations. Plus I would have to drive for two hours to get to Minot! Luckily they arranged for a shuttle to pick us (myself and three others who were on the flight) up from Williston at noon. Waiting for the shuttle was the longest two hours of my life...then I had to sit in a stinky minivan for another two hours. Those last two hours quickly became the longest of my life. Once we made it to Minot and I cleared security (passed with flying colors!) I started to relax. In no time at all I was on the plane waiting for take off.

These two pictures are North Dakota from above. The picture above shows all the lakes and ponds. This area is spotted with them. In the spring time, many of the roads, even highways, are closed because the water spills over on them. I love in the picture below, if you look at the islands you can see that the farmers are using them just like any other piece of land.
I still had a layover in Denver but it was only long enough to run to the bathroom and back to the gate to board. The flight to Salt Lake was uneventful but I couldn't keep my excitement contained. I was so fidgety and bouncy I'm sure the people sitting next to me thought I was crazy.
When I landed I found out my brother Dallas was picking me up. Since he's notorious for be being late to everything, the rest of my family wouldn't think twice about it. The drive to my parents went by so fast. I was so turned around and didn't know where I was, it didn't really matter how long it took us. I was pretty excited every time I saw a license plate from Utah though...then it dawned on me that I was in Utah. It kinda took all the excitement away. Once we were sitting in the driveway we decided Dallas would go in first then I would knock on the door after a minute. It was the best surprise I've pulled off in my entire life! I waited a couple of minutes then I knocked on the door, my dad answered the door and just stood there with the most puzzled look on his face. After a minute I finally said "Surprise!" and he gave me a huge hug and my mom came running around the corner. Followed by the rest of the family. My cute little nephew Camden just kept hugging me saying how glad he was that I was there. We had such a fun dinner! Jerome would just start giggling at random and give me another hug. It was so fun talking and laughing all evening. My mom even kept checking the driveway because she didn't believe me when I said the girls were home with Bret.

I was very happy to see my cactus, in the white pot is still alive. It was just a little baby cactus when I got it, I can't believe how big it is! The cactus in the blue pot belongs to one of my brothers. They all claim it but nobody really knows who it belongs to or why it ended up at my parents. Maybe I'll just take it when I move my cactus to my house.
The next day, Tuesday, was my birthday. I spent the morning shopping with Courtney. It was so fun because it was the first time we've been together without kids following us. I'm sure it will be the last time for a while also since she's due in January (another nephew!!). After shopping we went to Grandma Goodman's house and visited then we went to Grandma B's house. I love surprising people but surprising Grandma B was my favorite. You see, not only was it my birthday but it was her birthday as well. Its a very special bond we've always had. We've always done something for our birthday. Even if it wasn't on the very day, we always celebrate it by going out to lunch or dinner somewhere fancy. I was so excited to surprise her and I had to fight back the tears as we hugged. We sat and visited for a couple of hours.
When I left Grandmas house, I went to Robintinoes (one of my favorite restaurants) with Courtney, Jessica, Camden, and B. I couldn't help but notice how fun my niece and nephew were. They seemed so different without my kids around. That could be taken in a bad way but what I mean is that I don't really get a lot of attention from them when my girls are around. It was like I became the super fun, cool aunt instead of Haylee and Maycie's mom. I loved it! It makes me want to spend more alone time with all our nieces and nephews. They are all such amazing kids and I don't think we notice (at least I don't) all the amazing things they are able to do when we are so busy focusing on our kids. That being said, having time away from my own kids has made me realize how amazing, talented, loving...the list goes on and on...caring, smart my own girls are. I have this sort of new, fresh love for them and all that they do.
After lunch, I went home and got everything packed up so I could hit the road with Sandi! My dad drove me to her house and from the moment I saw her I couldn't stop talking. We talked the entire time we drove to St George. I didn't realize how much I missed her and missed having a friend I could talk to. I mean really talk to, about anything and everything. Its so much better to talk in person than over the phone! We couldn't even stop talking when we stopped for potty breaks. We walked into the bathroom talking, talked through the stalls and talked as we walked back to the car. We made it to St George safely, checked into our hotel then headed out for dinner.

After dinner we sat in the hot tub but the weather was so nice we decided to get in the swimming pool as well. Have I mentioned it had been between 10 and 15 degrees in North Dakota the day I left and St George was 76?! AMAZING! I fell in love with all the palm trees! I couldn't stop staring at them. Someday when I grow up I'm going to live where there are palm trees in my yard.
We had a spa day and what was planned as a shopping day but we were so exhausted from the spa we pretty much forced ourselves to walk around until it was late enough for bed. Some might call it dinner time but we called it bed time. Spas are not for wimps!
Thursday after driving back from St George, Sandi and I met up with my in laws, Jeff and Mary Ann for dinner. It was such a fun dinner! After dinner I was ready to go to bed... in my bed. Which just happens to be at my parents. We left our beds at my parents which you can see
Friday my mom went to work but ditched school to hang out with me. I hear she's been ditching this class a lot lately...hmmmm maybe she needs a talkin to. Anyway, it was fun running errands with her and getting ready for dinner. I was cooking carbonara for everybody.
Saturday I had to get up bright and early to get to the airport. Ok, maybe not early but I did set my alarm just in case I slept in. When I was checking in the lady helping me kept making funny faces and saying "hmmm, now that's weird" I thought I would make things better by jokingly saying "Oh my flights been cancelled again, that's ok." When she looked at me and said "Not completely, just the second leg, from Denver to Williston." I figured no big deal, they'll just put me on a flight to Minot. Then she proceeded to tell me the soonest she could get me to Williston was Wednesday. WHAT?! It was Saturday! How could they not have any flights for 5 days? Completely shocked and ready to cry because I had to get home Saturday. Sunday morning at the latest because Bret had to work Sunday night. I called Bret to let him know what was going on then went back to the counter to figure it out with the lady there. We talked about Minot, they had a flight Monday but it was full. I started listing random cities in North Dakota and Montana to see what else we could work out. Bismarck? No. Fargo? No. Grand Forks, Dickenson, Sidney MT? No. No. Next Friday. We don't fly there. No. Its full, no. No. Billings? No. Finally Bozeman. Anybody know where Bozeman is? Yes, HOURS away. But I could be there at 7pm that same day. I called Bret because he literally had about 35 minutes before he would have to start heading down there. I booked the flight then ran to catch my flight to Denver. I had a HUGE layover in Denver. I visited all the terminals, rode the subway they have between terminals, went shopping. Finally boarded my flight. When I got to Bozeman poor Bret and the girls had been driving for 8 hours. It was snowy and cold and everybody was tired. I was so happy to see my little family though! We went to dinner and the girls would not stop hugging me. They wouldn't let go of me. The whole time we sat at dinner they just sat quietly by me randomly looking up and saying how much they love me and missed me. It was so fun! Then we loaded back up in Bret's truck and set of for our nice long 8 hour drive.
I had such a nice time with my family. I'm super sad I didn't take more picture though. I forgot my camera and I'm not a huge fan of using my phone. Spending time away from Bret and the girls was hard but at the same time it was exactly what I needed. I am so much more patient with the girls. I'm so thankful Bret took such good care of them and didn't complain about me leaving. I think he's secretly planning his own getaway now though! As much fun as I had, I'm pretty sure I won't be doing it again. At least not flying! Not with my luck anyway!