Friday, March 27, 2015


We went to Minot last week to have our car worked on. We stayed at a different hotel than we normally do. While we were out exploring I noticed these signs were all over the hotel and restaurants nearby. I knew they had a flood but I had no idea it was this bad.

June 2011 Minot flooded. It was a super wet winter so the spring thaw made the river rise to the brim. Then Canada released extra water to prevent flooding up there which pushed the river over its limit.

When we went to the zoo last year there were signs on about half of the enclosures saying "this animal survived the flood but it's home did not. It will return Spring 2016."Now I know why the animals from the zoo had to be moved.

There are miles and miles and miles of homes and businesses that were under water. Some were under 10 feet of water!

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