It all started a couple weeks ago on Thursday. This poor little girl had a runny nose and a watery eye. Only half of her face was leaking so I figured allergies. On Friday, a low grade fever appeared so I gave her some medicine. Friday night she threw up TONS. All over the floor and her favorite blanket. Right after that her fever went up to 103. She was burning up, sleepy, cranky, didn't want to be touched but didn't want to be left alone. Her fever didn't respond to Tylenol or Advil. She wasn't really complaining much but I knew she was miserable. She would sit up and cry so I would tell her to lay back down. She would cry "the pillow hurts my head!" I felt so bad for her.
She would cry all day for Bret to come home. She would call him and just cry and cry on the phone. He would come home when he was able to but even when he was home she would still cry. One night she had a really rough time falling asleep. She would just cry in her sleep. Sometime during that night she started crying and said "I want Daddy. I just want Daddy to come home" Bret and I both laughed and he pulled her closer and said he was right next to her. She stopped crying for about 5 seconds then started crying again. When he asked what was wrong now she said "I just miss Jack Jack!" That made being awake all night completely worth it. We laughed so hard! (Jack Jack is my parents dog, Maycie will sometimes call their house just to talk to Jack Jack. My dad has even emailed pictures of Jack Jack to keep Maycie happy)
On Tuesday she wouldn't let me touch her ear. I would brush her hair out of the way and she would just cry and cry. Wednesday she wouldn't let me touch her head at all. She would cry when the tv or radio was on, saying it was way too loud. Her fever had been between 103 and 104 for 5 days. We had to go to the store that evening to get more medicine and on the way home she started screaming. I mean a real, painful scream. I knew she was screaming for a good reason. When we got home I went to get her out of her carseat and the right side of her face and head was soaking wet. I looked closer and yellow/brownish fluid was coming out of her ear. I brought her inside, changed her clothes, cleaned her up a bit then we got back in the car and headed to the emergency room. Its so hard not having any after hour clinics or instacare type places to go. Its either the doctors office during office hours or the ER after hours. I called Bret on our way there and luckily he was about 30 minutes away so he met us there.
Poor little girl does not handle the hospital (or any doctor visit) well. She is just like her father! Haylee on the other hand was loving every minute of it. She was even telling the nurse what to do!
Maycie got a new bear for being so brave.
This is what her ear looked like every ten minutes. It was awful. I felt so bad for her in the mornings, all her hair would be matted and crusty. It took forever to get her cleaned up!
So it turns out that she has a weird type of ear infection. The outer part of her ear is what is infected. They are 99% sure her eardrum burst because of all the gunk coming out but because of the outer ear infection and all the swelling that causes, they can't see her eardrum. She has been on two different antibiotics as well as the tylenol and advil.
Her fever finally went down to 101 Thursday night. After a week of 103ish we were happy with 101! It slowly dropped a little each day and by Monday she was able to go to school again!
During the week that all this was going on with Maycie, it was Haylee's Spring Break. I ended up taking the week off from work so I could take care of Maycie but it worked out nice having Haylee home. She kept asking if we were going to do something fun for her Spring Break but the most excitement she got was sweeping the deck. Literally. It was a really sad boring week for her!
Monday was St Patrick's Day so we did have a little fun that day. Haylee woke up expecting to find leprechaun footprints everywhere but instead found nothing. I had to remind her that a leprechaun was not like Santa, leprechauns can return any time of the day to make sure you are wearing green. Before breakfast we had to grab something out of the shed but found our deck covered in green glitter. Haylee knew the leprechaun had been at least once! When it was time for breakfast Haylee began to pour her Captain Crunch and found it had been mixed with green chocolate balls! That was the most exciting breakfast ever!
After lunch we had to run a few errands. One errand was grocery shopping. We bought green frosting, cookies to decorate and white milk. By the time we got home our milk had turned green! We figured the only way that could have happened was if the leprechaun was hiding in our car!
Haylee had fun doing cookies... Maycie slept.
For snack time we had green milk, green frosted cookies and a kiwi.
After St Patrick's Day we really didn't do much of anything. We watched a lot of movies that whole week. The girls were both so excited when they were finally able to go back to school. I'm just glad we're getting a Spring Break Re-Do over Easter!!!
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