Tuesday, August 20, 2013

First Day of Kindergarten!

I can't believe this day is finally here. It's more bitter sweet than I could have ever imagined. For weeks, months, possibly even years I have been looking forward to this day. I've dreamt of how nice it would be to have a child in school all day. I've made so many wonderful plans, so many ideas of things I want to make; all I've been waiting for was for this day to come. Now that it is here, I don't want to do all those things. I don't care about all this free time. I'm sure in a few weeks or months I'll be happy kindergarten has started but for now I'm not happy. I miss Haylee. Bret misses Haylee. Maycie misses Haylee. She's lost without her sister.

We decided to drive Haylee to school today because she had so much stuff to carry. The entire 25 minute drive I wanted to cry my eyes out. I knew if I did though, I would make Haylee nervous and possibly even cry. So I just sat there. I tried not to talk because I knew my voice would crack. It was the shortest 25 minute ride of my life. I didn't want to get to school. I didn't want to see my baby girl get out of the truck and walk away. I knew that once we left her there that was the end. From now on she's in school all day, every day, for the rest of her life. Next thing I know she'll be graduating and getting married.

Family, friends, even strangers have been telling me from the minute Haylee came home from the hospital to savor every moment. My grandma B has told me, almost on a daily basis, "Enjoy this time Shi, enjoy your kids being little because next thing you know they'll be grandparents and you'll be old." My parents have told me how much they miss us kids being little. To be honest, I thought people were crazy to be saying that! Didn't they know what it was like having two little kids. Suddenly, here I am, in the blink of an eye, wishing I could go back. I know this all sounds very dramatic but there were days, even last week, when I thought I would never have any free time. I thought it would be years and years before I was left alone when in the bathroom. Even last night I was told Bret that I can't wait for the day when I can eat a meal without having to feed a child or take one to the bathroom. Now, two seconds later I'm wishing I could take it all back. I'm not ready for this!!

Alright, enough sob story...we're onto pictures now!

Kindergarten list of school supplies:
1 box 24 crayons
1 box markers
1 4-pack thin expo markers
1 box pencils
1 pencil case
1 pair of scissors
1 pack of erasers
1 glue stick
1 bottle of glue
2 folders
1 paint shirt
1 towel
1 set of watercolors
1 box of tissues
1 bottle hand sanitizer
I container of baby wipes
1 pocket folder
Healthy non-refrigerated snacks (enough for 10)
Ziploc sandwich bags and gallon size bags
1 pair of shoes to be left at the school
Pipe cleaners
Small wrapped candy
The list of optional items is just al long!! It has things like play-dough, pom poms, fake food, board games, rubber stamps, books, etc.

 The girls each picked out their own backpack. Haylee's has Tinkerbell and Periwinkle (they're sisters) and it lights up.  Maycie wanted the same one but we told her she had to pick a different one so we wouldn't get them mixed up, so she got hearts.

6:20 is a hard time for a 5 year old to wake up! After getting dressed she just curled up on the couch, freezing cold, waiting for us to leave.

She had to find her name and her locker on back to school night. She was excited to show me where they were again.

Because it gets so muddy here, in order to keep the school clean, every child has to have a pair of shoes that they leave in their locker. They change into them when they first get there and then put their outside shoes on for recess.

The first thing she said was "MOM I like the bus! It goes super fast!"
I'm so happy that she had a fun first day. She said she ate all of her food at lunch and was still starving and she made new friends but she doesn't remember their names. I can't wait to hear more!!
P.S. Maycie starts preschool Sept 9th... wish us luck!

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