Thursday, June 19, 2014

Maycie's confused...

This was on tv, a person was drawing an etch a sketch picture and the girls were trying guess what it was... Maycie kept saying "It's Jesus!" Then the swords were drawn and she, very, very confused, said "It's Jesus... with a sword... mom why does Jesus have a sword??"

Monday, June 2, 2014

Its going to be a great summer!!!

Maycie finally mastered the whole bike riding thing! Bret taught her how to ride a two wheeler last November and it seemed like the next day we put bikes away for winter. When we brought the bikes out this spring she was scared to death. Bret has been working with her this week and she finally caught on!! Haylee outgrew her bike last fall but we just bought her a new one this week, therefore passing her first bike down to Maycie. Here are a few videos I took of the girls this morning!

I love everything Maycie is saying in these videos. 

"I'm so happy I can ride this bike now!"

"Again! Again! Again! Again!"

"I'm riding this bike now, I can't wait to show my dad!"

And here is the fearless child...

Maycie can now start off riding on her own!